It’s an exciting time, the world is opening back up, we are able to go out and have a meal at a restaurant with family and friends. Yet while we have been longing for social interaction with other, somehow we are still unable to disconnect with our electronics. We see it all the time, or maybe we do it ourselves, people at a restaurant sitting across from one another and both are on their phones. It takes away from the conversations they could be having, the connections they could be making.
With the invention of technology and the strong presence of social media, we are losing our connection with the ones we are with because we are too busy connecting with others or other content. It’s become so common that most aren’t even offended by it anymore. But we are losing that connection with those that we want it with the most, the ones we spend the most time with. We need to start thinking about how it is affecting our relationships, how we would feel if we were mid conversation and the person talking just stopped talking (often mid-sentence, yes- this has happened to me) to check their text/phone. Imagine how unimportant the person listening must feel.
This goes for the kids too. So often we see kids at a table on the parents phone or tablets, tuned out from what is going on around them. I challenge you to make meal times an electronic free time and model having conversations with your children. This will help them to make connections with others in a more present way. You are their example- so model it by doing it yourself and showing them that there isn’t anything that can’t wait until after dinner.
There are so many ways that we can be more intentional about the time that we are spending with others and the attention that we are giving them. One of these ways is to reduce our use of electronics while with others. This isn’t always possible, but if you try these tips- it may improve the quality of the relationships that you have.
Put the Phone Down
If you are out somewhere, doing something social, with someone- just put the phone down. This can be hard, you may want to look up things to do or something you are talking about- if this is the case, look it up together, sharing the information while sitting next to one another vs. across the table.
Change your notifications
We are so used to getting notifications and are no longer delaying gratification and waiting until we are alone or sometimes even done with a sentence! If you change your settings so that you aren’t notified every time you get a text, message, email, etc.- it will cut down on the time you spend looking at your phone. Bonus: If you wear a watch that notifies you- you will get less dings there too!
Silence your phone
Have you ever turned the ringer to your phone off and forgotten to turn it back on? It’s amazing the time you have to enjoy things or the things you can get done when you aren’t always hearing it ring, ding, buzz.
Making these little changes can free up a lot of time in your life and also let those that you are with know that you have held that time and space for them, that they are important to you and your value the time they are sharing with you.
If you want to strengthen the connections you have with others, I’d love to help you!
Amanda Samuels