What Day is it Again!
I have been thinking about how all of our days seem to run together and how usually by the end of the day, I have forgotten what day it even is😂.
The beginning of my day starts out fine, I know what day it is, I look at my planner, see what I have set for the day (meetings, webinars, exercise, my zoom meetings, my kids zoom meetings and their homework, etc.). But once I have accomplished the tasks for the day, because there was not movement from one space (work) to a new space (home)- I begin to completely lose track of time and space.
It makes me feel like I am stuck in Groundhog Day. Remember that movie with Bill Murray where the same day keeps playing over? Everything just starts looking the same, feeling the same, and there are no differences to delineate the work/school week from the weekend.
This is when I decide that it must be Saturday, again, because on Saturday, I can sleep in or set an alarm for a later time. I can stay in my pj’s and check emails, or eat breakfast at 11 a.m., I can catch up on things or just lay around and catch up on t.v., or play board games, or go for a walk or bike ride- whenever I want!
My life right now doesn’t feel much different than that. I set an alarm but only if I have to be up early- which is usually my want to get exercise in early and not due to a work meeting or scheduled webinar. On zoom calls- I don’t have to show my face and on most webinars the audio and video are turned off because of the large group of people on them. So I don’t have to look dressed up or professional- I do wash my face and brush my teeth but that’s for me! And I can go for a walk or a bike ride right in the middle of the day as long as I don’t have something already scheduled.
While I’m trying to express how its all running together and kind of make a joke out of “Is it Saturday, again?”, I’m also trying to express to everyone that while this has distanced us physically from our friends and family- that we can find some things to be grateful for and that those feelings of gratitude will help support us through this.
I challenge you to:
-think of one thing that you get to do now that you are home that you couldn’t have done if you were in the office at work and be grateful for the opportunity to get to do it
-pick one thing each day that you want to accomplish/a goal/something to look forward to, do it and let everything else just happen when it will (this is you giving yourself permission to be easy on yourself during this uncertain time)
-try to connect with at least one person a week in some way. Some may be able to do this daily because of their jobs (zoom meetings, phone conferences) but others may not and I don’t want to put the pressure of it being daily on you. But remembering that those connections support you as much as they support others
-be good to yourselves and one another. Everyone is experiencing this differently and we need to validate how they are feeling and accept them as they are and where they are at in this
Wishing you well,
Amanda Samuels, MA, PLPC