Expectations in Relationships


Expectations in Relationships

We have many kinds of relationships in our lives, so many different titles.  We are a friend, child, sibling, parent, partner, co-worker- this list goes on.  And we have different expectations in each of these relationships and are okay with that.  But when we are dating more than one person or moving out of a relationship into a new one,...[ read more ]

Are You Listening

I work with couples and they often come in saying that they want to work on their communication with one another or learn how to fight fair.  As we begin the work, what I notice is that it’s not that they aren’t sharing how they feel, what they want or their perception of what is going on- it is that...[ read more ]


  I heard this song on the radio yesterday and it hit me. I was a mess of emotion and tears for myself but also thinking about how many of us are feeling this way.  Country has a way of doing that, doesn’t it:).  But seriously- it had such a powerful message about how many of us are living, myself...[ read more ]

5 Warning Signs It’s Time to Try Couples Counseling

When you first fell in love, you could never imagine that someday the sound of your partner chewing could make you want to scream. It’s inevitable that once we are out of our honeymoon phase and reality sets in, we realize that all relationships take work and compromise. But while some couples may hit bumps in the road every so...[ read more ]